Elder Petersen

Elder Petersen
Toulouse, France

Monday, July 23, 2012

June 18 - 2012

My president's letter :)


  This last week was one of our better weeks together, and actually one of the hardest! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity I have to work with Elder Routhier, it is like a breath of fresh air! When you told me that he would be my  next colleague, I laughed because he made such a drastic move.... across the river haha. 
  Elder Coenen's attitude improved a lot this week, and I feel like he is going to do so well in Cannes! He is a interesting fellow! He complained about being here in the sun, and after he got the call, he was sad to leave! I have a lot of hope for him, and I pray he becomes a PMG missionary :)
   We were able to teach Anastasia again this week!!!!! She is home on medical leave for work; she fell down the stairs and tore a muscle in her knee. I consider it a tender mercy, because she is home for 5 weeks :) She knows that baptism is the important and that she needs to do it, but she is undecided for the moment. She still gets a hard time from her ex... we told her that she doesn't need to worry about his blind threats; they will mean nothing  before a judge. She came to church this week :) We are going to engage her to a date this week :) 
  We visited Denis Guirisima, a less active; he is doing well... just not coming to church!!!! 
  I always love new transfers, and new colleagues; it means a fresh start! I have so many new goals and plans for this transfer so that I can become a PMG missionary. I have really lost myself in the PMG challenge! I have seen so many things that I can do better, and I love applying what I learn! I feel so much growth! I remember studying Humility this week, and I realized that the only way that we will grow in this work is if we are humble. When we are humble, we submit to the Lord's will, and are willing to do anything he asks us. When humility ceases, so does growth.
   I did an exchange with Elder Stanford this week, and he is a great missionary! I don't feel like he is a missionary at the beginning of his mission; he is very mature and very strong in the knowledge of the Gospel. What I love is that he applies the principles of Preach my Gospel as well. 
   President, I'm really going to miss you! I have really enjoyed writing you each and every week! I feel like one day, I am going to see all these letters and I am going to be able to see what growth I made on my mission. Thank you for always taking the time to read and listen :) Thank you Sister Murdock for all your love!!!! I was so happy that I could give you hug at the Zone conference! You have no idea how much it means to me :) It's hard to not have the affection of your mother at the edge of your finger tips! I realized how blessed I am now! I wish you a great trip back to the U.S. and we'll see you in October!!

This week was a week full of finding ha ha. We tried to get our names on a list at a hospital as representatives for our church that talk with those in difficulty... yeah that didn't fly haha! They told us to talk with the administration another day. We ate at a member's home yesterday, she is crazy cool! She is Italian, but has lived in France forever. She is the head of the Genealogy at Toulouse.

We said goodbye to Elder Barton and Sister Fernanez this morning! They are finishing their missions. There were 10 that finished their missions this transfer; there will be 26 in my group!!! Holy cheese balls! 

Well, my studies of the Gospel have been getting more and more fruitful; we are reading Preach My Gospel all the through this month, and I'm seeing so much I didn't see before! It is fun to see new things and apply them. I feel like that is why the Gospel is so active, because you are constantly learning and applying what you learn... that is if you are humble. When humility ceases, growth goes with it! 

I can't believe that Carry is married... weird.  Be sure to congratulate her, as well as Johnny!!! I'm happy that Cami got my letter :) It will be sad not to see her for another year and a half!   I'm going to write her for sure. By the way  I LOVE YOU GRANDMA AND GRANDPA PETERSEN!!! I LOVE YOU GRANDPA ANDREASEN!!!

Hope you had a good father's day pappa :) You are such a great day, such a great example of selfless service and humility :) Thanks dad :) You look really good too, so skinny and you aren't losing your hair!! YOU ARE A STALLION!!

I am so blessed to have such a beautiful family as well, Rubee and Emma are such cuties! Alli is so darling, and Mason is a little stud!!!! Can't wait to see you all!!!!

Well that is all from me this week. Sorry I don't have much share, but know that I love you and after my mission I'll tell you but loads of stories!!

Love Elder Petersen

June 25 - 2012

My letter to President Murdock for the last time as my mission president :(


  Thank you so much for all you have done!!! I am so blessed to have Elder Routhier as a companion! What a joy, he is so energetic and talks to everyone! I'M so darn tootin' happy! ha ha, we are getting a long very well! 
  Not only are we getting along but we are doing WORK! We engaged the parents of a part member family to baptism and they accepted the 28th of July!!! They have been investigators for 8 years! They held off marriage because the dad was in the middle of a lengthy divorce; it lasted 15 years!!! Aye yai yai!!!! It is a miracle! The way in which they accepted the date is a miracle too!
  Saturday, we visited them, but they taught us the Word of Wisdom! We had engaged them several weeks before :) They have a very strong testimony of the Word of Wisdom, and know that Joseph Smith was and is a true prophet. The spirit was there and edified us all.Towards the end of the lesson, the moment felt so right to invite them to baptism! I promised them that the blessings of the Gospel are so much greater once they are confirmed members of the church. The mother expressed that she has been receiving pressure from Heavenly Father to get baptized, and she feel now it is the time! They have many problems in their family right now, but they know that if they do it now, it is what God wants! THE SPIRIT WAS SO STRONG!  
   I learned that if we create an environment where the spirit can teach, our investigators will received the spiritual witnesses they need! I realize now that asking our investigators to teach us was what created that environment! 
   Their names are Danielle(not sure of her last name) , and Jean Devaux.  SAD NEWS, they just called me, and told me that because he is a foreigner, the marriage process will take longer than planned.... it won't be possible until September! Ahhh..... Paper work.... I guess it is necessary, but a pain sometimes. I was really excited to have a baptism the last week of my mission..... Well, too bad. There is a time for everything as the Lord says. Got to do things the right way, and the right order.
    I did study Moses 6, and I really enjoyed the promise that the Lord gave to Enoch. He promised him this, "wherefore all thy words will I justify" I know that the Lord makes that same promise with his servants today. I have experienced it many times on my mission, and it comforts me to know that the Lord always is there to back me up in what I say, and what blessings I promise :)
    Elder Routhier and I are working hard to find more people, and I know that there is so much more we can learn from Preach My Gospel to find new investigators!  Preach My Gospel is such a miracle, and I feel it is becoming, "my book"
   Well, I pray that your travel home will be quick and secure! May the Lord bless you and Keep you, and until the next time!
         With all my love,
                                   Elder Petersen

  Our week was so great! At first, believe it or not, it was hard to get used to a companion that is self reliant and self motivated! I felt a little unmotivated haha. Got over that fast :) We contacted so many people this week, and worked so hard to find new people! We have so many rendez-vous for this week :) I love Elder Routhier :) He is so much fun! 
  So I'm kind of bummed about the situation with our engaged family, now not engaged :( But what can ya do, not much, only pray and continue to work with them. We are going to pump them up for September too!!! 
  Hey happy late anniversary momma and pappa!!! Sorry I missed it. Happy birthday Colton!!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAMI LOO HOO BOO !!! Sorry got carried away with that one ;) ha ha I love you all and can't wait to see you soon! 
  Give grandpa Clair and Grandpa JDell a big ol' hug for me, tell them they've got true grit ha ha! That's what I always think of my two grandpa's, true grit :) 
  Oh about David, I plan on just dragging him around with me everywhere in preparation for college haha. Don't worry, I'll keep him pre-occupied :) Even if I put him to work with me in the yard haha. That is disgusting that Dash was covered in Poop, BAD DOG!!! ha ha ha

Well I love you all, can't wait to hear from you again!! Thanks for your wonderful letters ;)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

June 11 2012

Hello my family dearest!

I love you so much, sorry it won't be much this week! Had a great week, not seeing many " numbers" but we are seeing miracles! I'm so happy! Elder Coenen is doing better, but is struggling still. Just need to continue to encourage him! 

We had Zone conference this week; we saw President and Soeur Murdock for the Last time :( I got to hug Sr. Murdock :) TENDER MERCY!!! I got to see so many cool people from my past missionary experience as well! Elder Williamson gets an honorable mention! He told me that the Rubinos (David's mom and dad, the David that will stay with us) might get baptised in July!!!!! I'm going to write them a letter this week! There so many other familiar faces, but I don't have time to tell you them all ha ha! President Murdock said we will find a balcony and eat pizza on it after the mission ha ha. He will be having a mission reunion in October :) Can't wait! 

Hey my Zone leader, Elder Barton is dying this next week. He was also my Zone Leader in the MTC!!!! Cool beans! It is weird, the reality of the mission ending is setting in. It is certain, I will die on July 31st. I learned yesterday, that after August 1st, I can't present myself as a current missionary for the church either.... my time is up!!! I have to refer in past tense, that I was... weird! 

We had stake conference yesterday as well, it was a broadcast for the European region. President Eyring spoke and so did Elder Russel M. Nelson. It was very focused on teaching children how to walk the path of the Gospel! What a sacred responsibility, my hat is off to you my dear parents!!!

Well, I think that is just fine for the trip. I'll see what I can do about leaving my luggage in Toulouse. No promises, but it is an EXCELLENT idea. No biggy about canne, don't really have a desire to go there anyways. But I did send you a letter you should receive this week. I want to pass by Bergerac, I had a revelation, and i feel like I really need to see my convert. It will explain in the letter. Don't get stressed, the letter will explain. 

Yes I got the cream, merci beaucoup!!!! Hey could you give me the address of Uncle Brian? and Uncle Brad? Thanks much :)))) Well, got to get back to work now! I love you so much, I can't wait to share all my missionary experiences with you!!!

Oh and I dad, thank you for your testimony. I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is on the earth again. I have a solid testimony of the book of Mormon, and I know it is the word of God, and the convincing proof that the Gospel has been restored! No man can become closer to God than when he is reading this book! I will study this book  of sacred truth for the rest of my days! Jesus is the Christ, and he has given us all the way to return back into God's presence, and live with our families forever!!!!

I love you, I think of you often, I pray for you!!!! 


June 4 2012

Well, this week was so much better than others! There were alot of ups and downs, but Elder Coenen is making headway! He is coming around to the fact that he can't do it on his own anymore. Last night he asked for a blessing, and I feel like he is going to go up, up, and away for here! I'll admit, there were a few times that his attitude could have been a lot better, but like I said he is making giant steps! 
   He really enjoys singing, and so do I. I am going to try to incorporate music into our proselyting as much as possible to keep things up! I think that will be something that will boost his faith! He is contacting more people now as well. Still not a lot, but more :)
   This week was REALLY HOT, and it has COOLED down a lot ha ha. The weather is unpredictable!!! P.S. maybe that is because we don't watch the forecast haha. Elder Coenen's face is really sensitive to the sun, so we gotta be careful, but I'm doing great :D Never felt better! Just still not used to the humidity when it rains.... 
   This week was full of MIRACLES, as you can see from the photo that I attached :) We were able to find a new investigator, Samir,  and a half, Amine!I say half, because we haven't taught Amine yet, but he came to church! It is a miracle how we met them! I was on exchange with a Zone Leader(Elder Grossen), and we were walking down a random street to get to another street for a pass back. I contacted a man, and he simply gave us the code to entry into the building. He even said " I don't know if I can do this, but here it is. Pass by another time." Saturday, we passed someone that we forgot we already passed... but we were just next door to the man, Samir, who gave us his code for entry. So, we passed him. The code worked, he was home, he let us in, and he is now a new investigator! MIRACLE! 
  Other miracle, is Amine. This happened the same day of exchange that we met Samir. We were doing the street board, and I was contacting a strong opinioned man. He wouldn't leave.... anyways, Amine, a 20 year old man, comes up and just asks if he can listen. He listened for a while, but he finally left our conversation to speak with my colleage. After I broke away from the very obstinate man, I was able to join in with teaching Amine the plan of salvation, which was displayed on our storyboard(thank the sister missionaries :) He told us he liked it, and he wanted to come to church. He came to church, LOVED it, and even commented that he loved seeing so many people smile. He said that it was so good that it didn't even feel like it was three hours long! He is going to meet with us on Thursday, and he will be coming to church next week, :)
    Something that we learned in companionship study this week is that we need to help our investigators understand why we give them commitments every appointment! For example, "We give you these invitations to keep the commandments, because if you don't, there is no way you can be baptised. And if you aren't baptised by the proper authority, you cannot return to live with our Heavenly Father." It is frank, and direct, and may seem a little harsh, but that is because we understand that there salvation is on the line! 
    So, I bought a new tie :) It is red, Don't have many red ties. It was only 10 euros. Talked to a cool British guy that owns the store too. Also bought some new running shoes for a steal of 15 euros. My others are too small, I think my feet have grown. Well that is all for the financial front ha ha.
   So, I wouldn't mind staying in Carcassonne only one day, if that is what you want to do. We even could ask the missionaries to open up the church and we could leave our luggage their. We could contact a member too, but you'll need to add a plan to your cell phone so it won't be super expensive while in France... just FYI. I was thinking the same thing with Gap, we stay in gap one day, then the next day we pass through Sisteron, maybe visit some members, and then continue on through the country side to Aix en Provence, and maybe we would have to stay there for a night, then pick up our bags to go to Carcassonne the next morning... Just an idea. We have the extra day so, yeah.
     we could always go from Sisteron to Aix en Provence to Canne, and stay the night there... you decide. Just keep in mind that Elder Park will still be in Aix en Provence most likely... he called me the other day on accident!!!! It was so good to talk to him haha!!! You would have never thought we were in the same mission till now! Maybe that would be bad to meet up with him now that I think  about it...It might be against the rules...He finishes the week after we get home, he is finishing early for school. Did you know that? 
Well now I would just like to you give you some cool quotes that I have gathered :)

"I know what pleasure is, for I have done good work" -Robert Louis Stevenson

"When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes." - President Monson

" To have faith isn't enough, to be faithful is what is asked of us." -Elder Buss

"When God judges our works, he isn't going to say, " So, how much faith did you get while on earth?" Rather he'll ask, "How faithful were you?" -Elder Buss

" A great indicator of one's personal conversion, is the desire to share the Gospel with others." Preach My Gospel

Well, I love you all, have a great day, and talk to you next time!!!
                       Alma 48:17

May 28, 2012

This week was a great week! Found some new investigators and working hard on finding more!!! It's too bad that a lot of them don't progress right now, but we are going to work hard this week to get them into shape! We had so many little miracles happen this week, tender mercies I would say. One I would like to mention came when we got on the wrong metro and just went with it in hope that it was the Lord's will! As we made our way back to the center, we contacted an old investigator! He is really cool, and set up a Rdv with us!!!! Ya boy!!! Just gotta have faith and works! God does the rest ;) 

Also received a letter from Cécile Bouchaud, my convert who moved to Strasbourg!! I WAS SO HAPPY!!!! I haven't heard from her in ages! I hoped we would come in contact again. I sent here a few texts a while back and gave here my current address, and to my surprise she kept her word and wrote me! Now I have her address and I can right her! 

That isn't all, Cami Thompson wrote me a letter to tell me about her mission call, COOL! What a mission call, SINGAPORE! Shay Hatch wrote me a letter too :) It is great to receive letters, it's been a while. TENDER MERCIES!

Matt told me about his ear, sent me pictures too! Hope it turns out like he expects! Sam Nicholes wrote me an email too :) It's so good to hear from old companions!!! Speaking of which, keep mine in your prayers. Elder Coenen is struggling right now. Off and on depressing is a killer. I have to encourage him a lot! I have learned how to practice patience, and give good, constructive criticism, while helping him feel that I love him at the same time, and it is genuine!! The mission has changed so much about myself... I am not the same person who left July 28 2010. Oh and it is my 22 month mark ha ha!! COOL!

Thank you for your kind email Colton! I don't have a lot of time, but I'll send you another letter!!! I can't believe you will be a senior!! HOLY MOLEY  where did the time go!!!

I love you all, and cant' wait to hear from you soon!!

Elder Petersen

May 21 - 2012


That is Hello in Tahitian :) How are you all doing!!! It was such a blessing to receive a phone call from the office Elders Saturday to hear that Rubee was born!!! I'm an uncle once again ;) She is such a CUTIE too! Congrats Cami and Caleb!!!  Loved the photo with the toddlers too, ha, they are cuties too! Can't wait to squeeze their cheeks!!

Well one week come and gone again! It was a week of FINDING. We did a lot of contacting, street board, and door to door! Elder Coenen was a bit discouraged there at the end of the week; but gratefully it's another new beginning!!! ha ha :) I'm very happy :) Well.... don't know what else to say, so I thought I would throw bits and pieces of my letter to president in the mix ;) I love you all, and I can't wait to see you all!! 

P.S. You said that Mckelle Ayotte could get me a job at Texas Roadhouse??? Let me know :) 



    What a week of FINDING! We did so much finding, I LOVE the street board :) I hadn't really had the opportunity to have the real experience of street boarding until now :) 

     The district meeting was a real success this week! I fasted for inspiration, and more spiritual force; boy did the Lord bless me. I felt inspire to discuss about perseverance. I have been focusing on that a lot lately, and it is something our district needs. There are 3 missionaries who will finish next transfer! I felt as though it would help my companion and I as well. We read through President Monson's General Conference address, "Worthy and Willing" I really enjoyed this talk about our Duty, and I highlighted many citations, but one of my favorites was " When faith  replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings about His purposes." I do not want my selfish desires to get in the way of the Lord's purposes.... That is an important lesson I have learned on the Mission; putting the Lord first. We all want to do so many things, but place the Lord second in priority sometimes. We all need to become like our savior and give ourselves to the father, " I also noticed that you didn't list an engagement for the mission subject, so I invited the district to continue studying scriptures and reflecting on experiences they have had with the spirit in order to help their investigators understand!!!! 
    I held my exchange with Elder Russo! He is a very good missionary! Full of energy, has a great faith, and loves to work! It was such a joy to do this exchange. He even helped us find TWO new investigators :) In whole, we have a whopping 4 new investigators!!! Woop Woop! 
    Antonio( our Italian investigator) doesn't see the difference between our church and the Catholic... we will have to be more frank with him this week... Anthony is still very unstable :( But hope for our newbies!! Laticia, Pierre, Jimmy and Richard!
 My sister had her baby this week!! Her name is Rubee Anne Mendenhall, and he she was born Friday morning at about 3:00. I'm an Uncle again!!!! 
 My studies were rich this week; I found the 6 things from Alma 33 and  34 that will grow our faith! 1- Searching the scriptures(33: 2) 2-Prayer(33: 4,34:17-28) as well as service to our fellow man! 3- Follow the Prophet(33:17) 4- Place our trust in the Lord(33:22), and increase our understanding of the Atonement(34:8-10) 5- Be patient (34:3), and humble(34:19) 6- "tenter l'experience" by REPENTANCE! (34:4,30) Repentance has been something very valuable to me lately, I feel that the Lord is truly forgiving me, and my faith is growing in our Savior!
Thanks for all that you do President!!! -Elder Petersen

May 14, 2012

Bonjour à Tous!

It was so great to talk to you all yesterday! Sorry if I didn't have much to say!! I'm a dork sometimes. You are all so beautiful and healthy lookin'! I pray that the Lord will continue to bless you ;) I hope the pregnancy will go well Cami 

This week was a difficult week... I got to know Elder Coenen Pretty well, but the work was very slow. A lot of raté-vous, and contacting. However, it wasn't terrible, we had the opportunity to do street boarding for the first time this week since it stopped raining, and street boarding is so much fun! We just decided to make it simple and just stick a book of Mormon on the board with putty... it was great to be able to use it for reading scriptures with people! We took 'pop-out books' to a whole new level! We were able to take several people's information, and even fix some appointments! I now know why the assistants always talked it up so much!!
   This week was difficult as well because Elder Coenen is struggling... He is having a hard time focusing on the work because his fiancee sent him a dear John a couple weeks ago.Sad. I had to come down to his level of thinking for a week, but I feel like we can go back up together :) I understand his personality now, and I think that is something I haven't down very well during my mission... I have always stayed up at my level, and never moved. 
   We got into contact with Anthony again! He came to the Family Home Evening at the young adult center. We will be seeing him for an appointment today :) And boy did Antonio, our Italian investigator, feel the spirit this week. Saturday morning, we met with him to teach him about faith. We felt that was what he needed the night before. He began to tell us in our appointment that he was very tired and very stressed out. He sees that he has many weaknesses... it was his words that triggered a scripture to come into my head, Ether 12:27. We asked him to read it, and see why we have weaknesses. He read in Italian, so I didn't understand much, but he only read for a few lines and choked up.. he couldn't speak, and even began to cry. He didn't know why, and kept repeating out loud, "what is happening?" I felt like Ammon when he saw that the king Lamoni was being converted by the spirit; I had a smile from ear to ear and felt so much joy! I answered boldly, "That is the spirit" What a simple truth! We helped him understand that the answers to his prayers will be answered similarly. It was that experience that set the tone for the entire lesson! He told us he wants to continue, and that he needs this in his life. This week I have been studying how the Spirit influences us, and my testimony is now firm... the spirit is the true teacher! It is he who brings about such a great change with our investigators.. and even us!
   President Murdock asked us to read  2 Nephi 9 and find three elements :) .... A way to start out a contact, something I can do better, and something to share with our investigators. After reading 2nephi 9:4-7, I felt this would be a good way to start out a conversation, "What does death mean to you?"  I felt like 2nephi 9:51 applied to me; meaning that there is more that I can do to remember what is the MOST important right now, and not wasting time on things that are trivial. And then I thought that 2 nephi 9 :41 was a scripture I would share with some of our investigators to help them understand that there is only one path that leads to eternal life!
   This week, D&C 6:14-24 comforted me very well as well. I had some personal conflict  and doubts about certain things this week, but this scripture applied to me in a way that I cannot explain in words ;) This week I'm going to focus more outward and start working and serving selflessly. That's the only way! 

Well I love you all and can't wait to talk to you again.... see you in a couple months!

P.S.photos of the pool are from the members house where we did our calls. :)

May 7, 2012


  I would just like you tell you what a pleasure it was to work with Elder Puairau! It was very hard to say good bye, but I know that it is the Lord's will! That's right, Elder Puairau left this morning for Martini, which is in Switzerland. I received my new companion, Elder Coenen. He us Belge, I met him already when i was at Gap! He was in my zone. It all happened so fast... my mission is going by too fast! 

 This week was full of exchanges! As a district leader I need to do an exchange with every member of the district... however It arranged that I needed to do two exchanges this last week, and the on top of that, the zone leaders needed to do theirs with me too!!!! My first Exchange was with Elder Stanford. It's kind of weird, because we are in the same apartment ha ha. I don't even feel like Elder Stanford is a blue! He is very mature and works hard! He has fun too:)Today it was fun to see him meet up with his sister at the train station, it made me appreciate my sisters a little bit more. Yeah, his sister is in our same mission :) I did my exchange with Elder Harel (frenchy) as well! He is a good missionary He is a great teacher as well! He Really knows the Doctrine! I love exchanges, they are a such a crucial point in missionary work! We get to learn from each other, but we also have SO MUCH FUN!!! ha ha. It is a lot more interesting as a district leader as well, because you have a relationship with each member, that other missionaries in the district don't! 
   I received my second dead letter the other day! I am very excited to take on this last stretch! President counseled to sprint the final stretch and finish strong! He even asked us (all of my group of missionaries finishing in july which is like 30 missionaries!) He told us that the way we finish our mission will be ripple of what happens in the rest of our life... that echos what my best friend Blake Walton said, "The way you finish your mission, is the way you will finish in life" 
   It is interesting, because in football our coaches taught us a similar principal. They said that if we let up before the whistle, we were only cheating ourselves. In practice, if we didn't play each play to the whistle, he got on us. In conditioning, if he seen that we were letting up before the finish line, he made us run more.... I learned pretty darn quick to finish through the finish line. This simple lesson has blessed me immensely in my life, and I have given my all in everything I do since. 
   We had two investigators at church this week :) Antonio, an italian, and Paul, who is Bangla. Antonio told us he felt the difference between our church and the catholic church... we express our love more for the Savior Jesus Christ. 
   Miracle for ya! This week one of our members bore his testimony about prayer and missionary work. We visited his family a month ago, and invited them to pray for someone in their life. We invited them to pray specifically for an opportunity to share the Gospel with this person. Well, the next day at work, the father went to work and his meetings were cancelled... Then he  was asked by a colleague from work to eat with him.. which never happens. Then the friend asked him about reincarnation and his view on the subject!!! Yes this is the friend for who he prayed! This has also grown my testimony of prayer and its power to call upon the powers of heaven to do this work.
   Revelation! From my studies this week, I could sum it up in one word... Consecration. When we understand our calling as missionaries, we understand that it requires consecration! 
   Thank you so much for fixing up my classes for me ;) I feel like it is all going to come together very well!!! So about hotels! In Toulouse, there is a hotel called Novotel that President stays at when he comes to town. It is located at Compans Caffarelli, just next to the street 4 rue Alaric 2 Compans Caffarelli (the old mission office ) That would be perfect for Toulouse.... I don't think I have other things to tell you! I love you so much and... oh yeah I will have to do my call at 9 or 10, because here in France it is 5 PM or 6PM... if I do it after church, it will be too late :/ sorry. It's just like that! 

I love you all and hope you have a great week!!!!!!! Oh be expecting a package soon :) Also I got my hardrive a few weeks ago, thanks :)

Love, Elder Petersen

April 23, 2012

My family! 

I love you all so much!!!! I feel your love as well ;) I truly appreciate all the sacrifices you are making, and I hope that one day I can follow all your examples for my children and siblings ;) You truly are answers to my prayers! 

This last week was a bit rainy, but It is beginning to warm up, beautiful day today! The sun is out, still a bit chipper, but not bad! What a great week it truly was! I was a bit discouraged in my last email, but things have sky rocketed since then! I made a call to President Murdock, he listened, and gave me some counsel that has completely changed my missionary experience! We shouldn't do things simply because of obligation, or obedience... we shouldn't fret over rules because of rules... we should do everything because of LOVE! I now wake up and remind myself how much I love the Lord! Every contact I ask myself if I'm doing it because I truly love the Lord as well. It has brought completely positive results :) 

We had so many tender mercies this week; we found 5 new investigators! We also contacted Anthony again! ;) He was sick, that is why he wasn't at church! He is now on track to be baptised at the end of this week! I have an amazing experience to tell you about a member as well, but I don't think I have time!  I love working in Toulouse, and I love working with Young people!!!! It is great!!!!

Well, know that I love you all and I can't wait to talk to you again the next week :) I'll try to get some letters sent out this week, I'm bad at that!! ha ha. Interviews with President are this week, wish me luck ha ha. Love you all, you are in my prayers! 

Elder Petersen

April 1, 2012

Ma famille !

It is CRAZY BIG here in Toulouse ! I love it, but I’m still  a bit lost at times. Gratefully, my companion will not lose me like that one time that dad lost me at the bathroom in Disney land….. I don’t know if you lost me dad, but I remember walking out of the bathroom and freaking out because you weren’t there! Ha ha

Elder Puairau is great! I can’t remember if I told you, but he gave me some sea shell necklaces when I arrived!! It was legit! We get along pretty well,; he’s still new to the mission, so I will be polishing him up a bit! It is fun to live in an apartment with many missionaries too ;) Elder Buss is one of the Elders, and he is actually going to be training, so he left today for Switzerland to pick up his new missionary!

It is a ton of fun to ride all the metros (underground trams or subway) but I still am not direction oriented! We have buses too, but there is a strike this week, so the buses are changed up a bit… oh the French and their desire to retire at 60 ha ha! We live outside of Toulouse center ville, we have to take a metro to get into the city. It isn’t too bad. The weather is great too!!!

We also have a young adult’s center here in Toulouse; it is the old mission office :=)  We contact a lot of young people here, so the center is great for teaching and inviting them to activities! We go there every day. It is weird, the office where President Carter did his first interview with me is now supply room. I still remember where I had my first French baguette sandwich as a missionary too!!!

We have an investigator named Antony that will be baptized in two weeks! He is 20  years old, and has a problem with smoking! He is praying to receive his testimony as well!!! Please keep him  in your prayers, he will be going cold turkey from cigarettes this week!

By the way I LOVED GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! Sadly it is the last I will have seen as a full-time missionary.. weird!!!
Well on the new front for after the mission, I learned that is discouraged by the first presidency to stay with members while I’m still a missionary … so for Gap, we may need a hotel.  Hope that works.  Is there a way you could get me Parker Beus’s contact info too? And Carson Holden, and Wade Bronson’s as well.
Well I gotta go for now! We’ll talk again soon! 

Elder Petersen

 Oh mom and dad, look at your son! Aren't you proud? ha ha. Do you think people would talk to me if I went out like this?

 hope to get in the Ensign! Oh and the other photo is of Frère Elder Allal, who is a member that served a mini-mission this week! He served with Elder Buss because Elder Buss's new companion comes into the mission a week later than the transfer. I know Frère Allal's dad in Brive; he is the Branch President haha!!! It is such a small world!

Mar 26, 2012 Toulouse

My dearest family!

The baptism went through!!!!! It went perfectly, well other than the fact that our member had to baptize him three times... his elbow came up once, and his leg the other time. The third time, Fr. Bouchet dunked him ha ha!

It feels like a dream; the last six weeks I mean. We met Lucien on the end of the first week and baptized him at the end ;) The Lord truly blessed us for all the work that missionaries have done in Bergerac. I feel like all the faith and  work I and Elder Willett did brought forth the blessings of baptism. Lucien will become a very strong member :) 

Well as I write from you, I am in a cyber café in Toulouse! That's right, I was transferred to TOULOUSE!!! My companion's name is Elder Puairau, he is Tahitian!!!!! COOL BEANS! He gave me a seashell necklace as a welcome token to the area :) I love Toulouse already!! It is SUPER huge though, and I'm going to have to contact young college kids now.... not used that. I'm used to oldies ha ha. 

About your questions... I can't really call the members in Gap, I sent an email, but they didn't respond. I think I want to pass by Bergerac, yes. The easiest way to do it though, is to take a plane from Toulouse and fly into Bordeaux, then take a train to Bergerac. You can call the mission office and ask them about that, they do it all the time, and it is cheaper than trains. Oh yeah since I'm at Toulouse and technically it was my original mission, we are definitely passing by here... Let me work on things at Gap, and I'll get back to you next week. 

I would love to get a job at Texas roadhouse if it is possible, but we'll see ;) That would be fun to work with Mckelle ha ha.Tell Carrie congrats from her cousin! Oh and my address is the old Toulouse Bureau:

Elder Dustin Shane Petersen
4, rue Alaric II Compans Caffarelli
31000 Toulouse

March 19 2012

Well my family, I love you all very much!!! I had a great week, and Lucien is going to baptized this week!!!!!! He chose the members to baptize him and confirm him, but that is just fine in my book! I'd prefer that actually! We saw Lucien almost every day this last week; whether it was service or meetings, or appointments ha ha! He is so well integrated! I feel like I'm on cloud 9!!! 

Funny story, we got chased by an angry man last night..... he couldn't beat us on a foot race though ;) He wasn't having a good day and just happened to take his anger out on two young men talking about God... poor guy.

We had a great week, learning so much, and my testimony is stronger than ever! We had Zone Conference this last week, and it I got my temple recommend renewed  :) It will last me until 90 days after I get home. I said goodbye to Elder Bowen too :( He should be giving you a shout out from me :) His homecoming is the 15 of April, you need to go! 

I got Alli's letter last week ;) She sent me some drawings, and a dollar bill... it made me smile and cry at the same time!  So sweet and I can't wait to play with her! I also got my Dead letter last week! (Two weeks ago) Simply just told me when I was ending my mission... weird! 

Ha ha funny experience, Lucien with talking with us one day in the street when a woman asked us about our message. We talked for a bit, then I turned to Lucien and asked him what he liked about the Bof M. He looked us and said, "I have no idea who these men are.. they know my name, but I don't know them" !! BAHAHA it made is laugh so hard! Wasn't expecting that at all! He is a real jokster!

Oh dad could you work on finding out how I can apply for a job at USU? You can probably ask Tad, but I think that would be perfect for me. That way I have a job awaiting me when I get back. Maybe like a cooking job, or a computer lab guy.... whatever you find, I'll do it ha ha!!!!

Well I love you all and I can't wait to talk to you again!!!!

PS we visited a castle today :) it was fun!

Mar 12, 2012

Well family, all is going super well!!! I'm on a spiritual high on my mission :) Lucien is doing amazing, and I'm excited for his baptism on the 24th!!! He has no problems with any of the commandments, and we are going to start reviewing everything with him :) The Lord has truly blessed us, and we are ever in his Debt!!! I don't have much else to say, other than I know the Christ is my Savior and Redeemer. My faith in the Lord is unshakable and I can never deny what I know to the be the truth. This Gospel is true, and it will roll unto all the ends of the earth until Christ comes and says, "The works is done"! Can you imagine that day... Oh happy and blessed day!!!

So you don't need to worry about buying me full price train tickets, I have what they call a "Carte 12/25" that gets me a major discount :) Just an FYI. Oh and dad, there is no money in my account.... I tried to take out money today, and it said that I had insufficient funds... Yeah, should take a look at that!  Oh and the music, You can also put all sacred instrumental arrangements of church hymns on my hardrive :) I forgot to tell you that :) NO WORDS.

I love you all and can't wait to see you all again!!!

March 5, 2012

picture of Lucien and I :) and then a picture of us with the streetboard at Sarlat!

Feb 27, 2012

Wow, what a week! It has been a week full of miracles and joy!! I love missionary work! Lucien accepted a baptismal date for the 17 or march, and we are going to help him get prepared! We also taught a lot of lessons!! More than I have in a while! However, there is always a little opposition with so many blessings. One mad catholic man yelled and at us, and said some pretty vulgar things about our church. I'm not even sure he knew who we were, he only asked if we were American. He told us he was catholic, and we needed to go home..... I almost lost my patience and told him how great and abominable the Catholic church is... but Elder Bonnett stopped me ;) He knew what I was going to do, love how the spirit warns our companions to help us out haha. It was ironic because the catholic cathedral was just to the right of us.
We gave Victoria and Flora Tudor( investigators) blessings this week :) Flora was sick, and we seen it as an opportunity to grow their faith. I love the priesthood, and the power and authority administer blessings! It is so overwhelming to be a tool in the Lord's hands to be the means of pronouncing blessings upon His Children. They felt the Saviors love through the blessings, and Flora even expressed that in a why, a little piece of her was healed inside :) Two days later, we seen them again, and the mother said that she could bend her pinky finger. She couldn't before the blessing because of arthritis. MIRACLES!!!
Got a new investigator this week, she was a hand full! She didn't understand that we pray to God... because we end in the name of Christ, she kept getting mad telling us that she would never pray to Jesus, because God is who blesses her... LADY, WE PRAY TO GOD TOO!!!! WE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE, WE DO NOT PRAY TO JESUS! Obviously our pages didn't match up for some reason. It was crazy! Lucien is pretty crazy too ha ha. He is really nice, but does not have a very big attention span.. mix that with some of our members that talk a lot, and it is a MESS! Elder Bonnett and I laughed quite a bit this week ha ha!!! We have so many funny experiences!!!
Did an exchange with Brive this week! There is a new missionary there, and his name is Elder Ashton. It is so weird to have done an exchange with a missionary in the same city where I was raised, and see at what point I was at the beginning of my mission! He is a sure heck lot happier than I was at the beginning ha ha. He understands almost nothing; typical! I remember the frustration! It was a good exchange we taught the Plan of Salvation very very simply :) Love the fact that I understand the doctrine so well now!!! Better and better very day!
Guess what, I found my umbrella this week too!!! It was still at the train station after all these weeks! However, on coming back to Bergerac the Lord presented me with a way to show my gratitude. There was a man in need, we talked, and I found out that he was homeless, and does not have any shelter. It was at the moment that I thought I have an umbrella I can give him... and even before I could second guess it, the phrase came into my head, "He that giveth not of his goods to the poor and needy shall be damned" and I thought of the scripture in Mosiah 4:16-30 
17 Perhaps thou shalt asay: The man has brought upon himself his misery; therefore I will stay my hand, and will not give unto him of my food, nor impart unto him of my substance that he may not suffer, for his punishments are just—
 18 But I say unto you, O man, whosoever doeth this the same hath great cause to repent; and except he repenteth of that which he hath done he perisheth forever, and hath no interest in the kingdom of God.
 26 And now, for the sake of these things which I have spoken unto you—that is, for the sake of retaining a remission of your sins from day to day, that ye may awalk guiltless before God—I would that ye should bimpart of your substance to the cpoor, every man according to that which he hath, such as dfeeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants.
I gave him my umbrella, end of story :) I'll get another umbrella another day :)
Thank you so much for the package!! I LOVE THE SHIRT! IM GOING BANANAS FOR IT!!! ha ha I had a great Birthday! Oh dad, if you could send me my portable hardrive that would be great :) Could you place 2 gb of music on it as well ?  It has to all be classic or Tabernacle sacred music. President Murdock has spoken haha. Please make play lists so I can change between cd's or artists. I can change the music onto my ipod here on the computers at a cyber café! Well gotta go, LOVE YOU!!!!!
Ciao Ciao GROS BISOUS!!!

Feb 6,2012 Bergerac

Ma Famille,
I love you so much ! Have I told you that lately ? So guess what !?!? I SNOWED here in Bergerac yesterday ! Can you believe it?! I love the tender mercies of the Lord ! Church was cancelled however ! It snowed about 4-5 inches ! And it is still sticking to the ground today ! Needless to say, it has been very cold lately ha ha !
I'm so jealous that you had Emma's B-day without me ! Next year I'm the coordinator of her party and we're going to have a crêpe party ! We will go bowling too ! Ha ha. Speaking of parties and festivities, our Cowboy night for the youth was a hit ! Total success !!! We got some youth from Perigueux(neighboring city) to come with their youth leader, and the missionaries there brought an investigator as well:) Guillaume Bouchet came and had a great time as well !! He stayed the whole night ! Didn't dance though.
I taught all the youth (and some adults) how to do the bootin' scootin' boogy ! It was hilarious. At first it was a little rough, but they eventually got it down ! I was impressed ! We even had the Branch President's wife on the dance floor who has about 70 years on her ha ha !
We had interviews with President Murdock on Friday:) I had been looking forward to it all transfer because Elder Bowen moved into my zone ! I got to see him again ! I was so excited, we are such good friends:) I feel like he's the brother I never had ! I can see now why it is so special to have a mission companion ; you are brothers forever !
His ear looks great ! Healed up really well ! That will be a story that we both tell for a long time !
Mom, yes It's a girl in the Branch who asked me ! She is 18 years old. No, haven't bought any shoes... they are too expensive. 45-60 euros. I'll just wear the ones I have till the end of my mission:)

I wanted to send you an expert from my letter to my mission president as well, it's some good revelations!

  Another week come and gone! They go by so fast It was very cold this week, it even snowed yesterday! but we worked threw it ;) We are struggling to find new investigators, but I know that with our faith, prayers, and works, the Lord will lead us to those who are ready for the Gospel. 
  We were able to see Guillaume this week, but like I told you, he is still hard-hearted. I'm excited to share with him the scriptures you gave me :) I have a lot of faith that will help him repent and come to Christ! I pray that we will have the spirit with us; I know the Lord can change his heart! Oh, almost forgot! We were able to see Andrew Sunday night! After bearing a strong testimony, he accepted truly read the Book of Mormon! We are going to follow up tomorrow ;)
 Speaking of the Holy Ghost, I did what you suggested for our study this week. I found a lot of revelation in the chapters 4, 11 of 1Nephi. One thing that I learned or remarked is found in chapter 4, the verses 6-18. Nephi was lead by the spirit to do something hard. In his moment of doubt, the Holy Ghost not only taught him truth, but helped him remember why he must carry out the difficult task (vs. 14-17) 
  This can be very beneficial for our investigators, because they can realize that the Holy Ghost as lead them to work out their salvation. Then, they can have confidence that the Holy Ghost will give them courage to do that which is difficult on the path that leads to baptism; keeping the commandments and avoiding the Satan's temptations. He will do that by reminding them of why they are making the efforts in the first place; baptism for the remission of their sins and inherit eternal life!
  President, thanks for what you told me during interviews about becoming the best I can be. I have seen that my studies have been more meaningful since Friday, and my attitude towards opposition and trials has changed. The Lord knows our potential, and He loves us very much. Because He loves us, he wants us to reach our divine potential! I realize now that our trials are the small, or sometimes rather large stepping stones, that will help us day reach our divine potential :) I know that the Lord will never stop encouraging me ;)
  Our activity was a success!! Youth from Perigueux came and so did one of their investigators! Guillaume was there as well and stayed the whole night! It was a blast, and our goal to strengthen the youth was accomplished!
  My niece, Emma, turned 2 years old this Sunday :) She is a little girl now, wow time goes right on by!
Thanks President - Elder Petersen