Elder Petersen

Elder Petersen
Toulouse, France

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb 14, 2011

Chère Famille,
Happy Valentines Day! Of course there is Valentines Day here, "Saint" Valentines Day, where do you think the Saint came from ;o)!

I will be sure to buy some chocolate and goodies, and I don't know how big of a spree I'll go on but I do need some new sport shoes. I went running the other morning and my foot was cramped... I think that might have been why I had problems with my toe! A member gave me a sweet coat, and I bought a 15 euro zip up sweat shirt deja ha ha. I'm cheap! It is good looking however! I have really learned how to be frugile while being here. I don't go without by all means, but I don't spend my money on things I don't need! Moving is a bugger too and I don't need anymore to shove into my bags!
Yes Dad, we have a Cd player and it plays American Cd's :) It is funny what we think of other countries sometimes. I thought that France had no deoderant....the first day I went grocerery shopping I slapped myself in the face because they have almost everything we do. Meanwhile I have 10 or more deodorant sticks in my bag!
That is terrible to hear about the tradgic incident with Spencer Bartholomew. I gasped when I read that. He and Mickelle were married in the temple however. Isn't it a blessing to have the knowledge of eternal families.
Dad I can't wait to see your beard. I'm so glad that you are still carrying on my work at the steak house, I'm sure everyone just loves to see you each week! Gives you a chance to mingle with people and I know you like that! RYAN COMES HOME THURSDAY!!! He better email me the day he gets home !! ha ha ha!! Just tell him he has been such a great example to me and I love him!!
You are off pop!!! It's a miracle!!!!!!!! You stick to it dad, pop is no good! I haven't had but maybe a hand full of sodas while I have been here and I feel great! I can promise you that the Lord will bless you. He cares so much about our health that he gave us a commandment! If we do all we can to respect the bodies that we have been given, he will grant us the blessings of health! After all, our bodies aren't ours to medle with, one day we will have to report to our Heavenly Father how we kept care of them!
I'm so happy you got my packages!!! It well may be that the package I sent at Christmas time is (hopefully) sitting in some back room waiting to shipped out or the package doesn't exist anymore ha ha. Oh well! Learned my lesson!
I love you so much Momma, and I want you to know that you are in my prayers everyday!
I just have a few things to share with you today. I'll start with Sunday, because it was an interesting day. So, while I have been here in France I have seen that Only 1 person knows how to play the piano in the Ward and if he/she isn't there... they sucker a missionary into trying to play prelude... That's right I was up there trying to play "I am a child of God" for the prelude. The Bishop also called us up to pass the sacrament, that was a bit sudden. One of the speakers forget their talk and were already at the pulpit; but that didn't stop her. She just came right back down and dug through her bag to find it!
I didn't remark this, but last week we had an investigator leave church and buy food for the entire ward. It was fast Sunday! ha ha ha. There is a commandment we need to re-teach.... It is a bit crazy here in France, but the people are full of love!
Also yesterday I was contacting and we found an English couple. I stopped them and tried to talk, but I couldn't speak English! Everytime I tried to ask a question or testify; it came out in French. THAT IS A VERY GOOD THING!!! I'm forgetting English and thinking in French! We were rejected, but I walked away smiling :D
Well that is all for this week! I Love you and pray for you all continually! If you could do anything for me, that would be to go and assist the missionaries in your area! They always need help teaching a lesson believe me! I will write again next week and I can't wait to hear from you all too! I included a picture of the Chateau from my apartment. It is sweet!
God be with you all till we meet again!
Elder Petersen

Feb 7 2011

Ma Famille!
I love Carcassonne! You are right you found my apartment, it is right next to a flower shop! You were spot on about my apartment at Brive too! It makes me feel better that you know where I walk everyday ;o) I am so happy you shared what Joelle wrote you! I was very anxious Saturday, I wanted to know if it all went well! It is such a blessing that Maryline was able to taste the fruits of baptism after all the opposition she and her family had been through. I am very happy and thankful to the Lord for his hand in her salvation! I'm so thrilled that it all went well!!!
I heard about the super bowl !! We went and did a little shopping today and the member we went with told me. I can't believe it is already that time of the year.. I had no idea the super bowl still existed! My life is so much different now. I can't believe I am in France and serving a mission!!!!!!!!! Isn't it crazy!?!
Carcassone is wonderful! Like you said it is rich with history, and has a medievel castle! I haven't visited it yet, but I see it every day when we are tracting. Carcassonne has a ward, and has some sweet families! My first meal was with a recent convert couple, Odinete and Carlos, and it was wonderful! Odinete is Brazillian and Carlos is Portugeuse, but both speak french. They made us a delicious brazillian specialty; it looked like an enchilade but with PANCAKES for tortillas!!!! It was a great first impression of Carcassonne.

There is also an English family that is living here for the moment and feed the missionaries every week! The famille Kersey. They are here because of the father's work, but soon will return home to good Ol' UTAH! That's right, they live in Salt Lake! ha ha, small world! I love their accent ha ha, and I get to speak english at their house :) Elder Sautron gets to practice his English! They have lived here for one year now, and the kids speak almost fluent French! The parents.... not so much. In fact, the kids speak better than me! I didn't snap a photo of them, but I will for next week!
We have a sweet ward mission leader who feeds us too! Don't worry I'm not starving ;o)! I absolutely love the culture here, and the country side is beautiful! Many members live outside the ville, and everytime we drive to their houses it is like a fairy tale! The rolling hills, and even better here, there are Mountains. We are closer to the Pyreneese Mountain range, and I feel a little like I'm home! I can't help but look out and think How can people not see God's hand in this!? Simply breath taking! I'M IN FRANCE!!!
The work is going well here in Carcassonne. I get along with Elder Sautron great, and we speak French 24/7! It is great, I feel like I can actually make some progress now, and I see that I already have! I can speak better, and comprehend better! I loved it when I called Brother Kersey to confirm our 'Mangez-Vous' and I couldn't speak english :o(. I kept switching back into French! Good signs! Our apartment is on the top floor and is pretty much a glorified attic. It is great, but has one flaw. Every day, I hit my head on the door frame because I don't hunch low enough! I may have brain damage after my stay her in Carcassonne! ;o)
Elder Sautron cooks and I wash dishes; can't complain :) We have this crazy land lord who comes to see us almost every day. His name is Dr. Christian... or that is what he told me to call him ha ha. He is a retired doctor and had to quite because of Arthiritus. He is an old investigator of the church, but never progressed, he just loves to have the missionaries pray with him each day. He is crazy fun, and keeps us on our toes! I have included a picture of him, we actually did service at his house. He is the man in the middle with the white hair!
We also did service for our Bishop this week. I have included pictures of that too!
Well I absolutely loved the pictures of all the little ones, I can't believe how much they have all grown! I miss all of them! Mason is such a little chubbers ha ha, I love it! Is it me or does Emma look like Lindsey and Cami at the same time!?! Dad I think that is awesome that you are doing the play! I can't wait to see you with a beard! I'm also happy to hear mom is done with her treatments. She is such a strong momma! I fasted for you mom, and I can see that the Lord is hearing my prayers and pouring out blessings upon you!
I'll prepare a package and send it home! I can play cd's here :) send them on over! Make sure you label them so I can get them approved! (unless they are already approved). I bought a suit case before I left Brive, so that is why there was a fluctuation on my account.
Oh pass the Happy Birthday on to Uncle Steve! I love him so much and respect him so much more after being here in France for 4 months ha ha!
I didn't know if you knew by the way but the First Presidency came out and said that in July after Presdent Carter leaves, the mission of Toulouse will no longer exist. It will become La Mission Française de Lyon and will encompass the mission of Suisse Geneve too! Our President is going to be President Murdock who is currently the President of the Suisse Geneve mission. That happend a couple weeks ago and just didn't have time to tell you!
I will try to write the little ones a letter soon, and also the Grandparents, let them know I love them so so much!!!!!! Let me know if you get my packages!
I love you all and can't wait till the next week!

Je t'aime à Jamais! Elder Petersen

Jan 31 2011

Ma Famille,

Commet Ça va? Well, I did make the move! I was muted (transfered) to Carcassone, a city just south east of Toulouse. It was difficult to say goodbye to everyone in Brive, but change is good, and this is where the Lord wants me! My new colleage is Elder Sautron, and he is French. He doesn't speak any English!!! Isn't that crazy!? Believe it or not, it is the answer to my prayers. I have been praying for a French Elder, and now I have one! There is a picture attached!

We had a bit of a crazy week. Elder Nicholes had his toe operated on becuase of a ingrown toenail, and it wasn't pretty. I'M SO HAPPY I TOOK CARE OF MINE AT THE MTC! They don't numb anything here they just go at you with knives and clippers. It is even worse because Elder Nicholes actually took care of it months ago; it just hasn't healed. The pediatrist found a little tumor and more nail in the skin. Pray for Elder Nicholes! As you can see in the photo 02386 I had the opportunity to eat frog legs! They were tasty ha ha! I also included a photo of Maria Gaillarde :) (02396) She wants one of you mother, email her one. I can't tell you how happy she was to receive another letter! You are truly inspiring her with your words of encouragement! She bore her testimony in Sunday School just about me and you! It means a lot to her that she can share how she feels with someone else who has been through the same sufferings! She let me read the last letter you sent, you are not only my angel but hers as well momma!

I also attached a photo of the Family Créquit (02357) Maryline is the far left, then Marie-Ocean, and then Nicholas in the back. We had a rendez-vous Samedi night, and it was simply a testimony meeting. When it came time for Maryline to bear her testimony she told of us a dream she had. She had two in fact, but one I feel is sacred and I will not share. The one I will share began with a huge house. She and her family were there and so was Elder Nicholes. They entered the house and looked at all the rooms. Every room was elaborate and decorated. Every room was like this but one. She realized that each room belonged to a family and the one room that was different belonged to them. It was blank and was empty. She and Elder Nicholes exchanged words in the dream and she realized that they needed to do something with the room. Then If I remember right, she woke up. She told us she knows what the dream meant. The house was the house of God; and each room belonged to a family and God's house or Kingdom. However, her family's room was empty and blank, and yet needed work to be done. This was an answer to her prayers, and she decided she needed to be baptized. We received authorization from President Carter, who received authorization from the Quorum of the Seventy to baptize Maryline. We had relayed this message to her only days earlier. We engaged her right then and there for the following week. Long story short, she will be getting baptized next week!
I'm so excited for her!!! I helped teach the family from the beginning and even with a few speed bumps, the baptism of Maryline is going to happen!
Marie-Ocean will still have to wait till the divorce is settled and Maryline has custody, but she is patient and excited for her mom! Pray that all will go well and Satan will have no power to disrupt this ordinance!

I attached a photo of the relentless and infamous 'Mammy'! (02390) I will miss her love and all that food! She has a HUGE heart! Photo 02444 is of me and my new colleage Elder Sautron. He is trés chouette! I'm excited to work with him! Photo 02394 is of Olivier Plaisir, the 'Tulle Miracle'. He is an animal, he brought a friend to church last week and a different one this week! He really wants to serve a mission, but oh has he already began! Brive is going to explode!!!!! Photo 02418 is of a brigde in a 13th century village that one of our members lives in! The town is called Saillant. We ate at their house Sunday afternoon, here is a funny picture too (02407) This is the Allal Family. The man on the right is Brive's Branch President President Allal, and the left is his son Jéremy! We ate crapes for dessert so that is why we went crazy with the nutella and whip cream ha ha!

That is all that has happened! I want to send home my photo's soon, but I just need to find a means. I have tons of crazy cool photos you will love! Oh by the way, I just got word from President Carter, I can email anyone I want. Oh and about the Josh Groban, only the CD's on the list are approved but you can send me them and I can let Sr Carter listen to them to get approved. But yeah, believe it or not, music is the only thing that keeps us from going insane sometimes, it is a wonderful relaxation tool and feel free to send approved cd's or possibly could be approved.

So You know how you told me that missionary got shot and killed in Jamaica a few weeks back? You are going to not believe this! Elder Brough, an Elder in my district at the MTC, his brother was in the VAN when it happened! His companion was driving and he was sitting shotgun. The bullets passed by him and hit the Elder behind. Isn't that crazy? Elder Brough's brother is shook up, but okay!

I'm glad to hear Elder Shaffer is alright! So I heard that Jake Miller is going to play football for USU?!? Is that true? I haven't talked to him, have you? Tell him he needs to come back out!!!! ha ha I heard news about Elder Park too. He was first in Nice and now he is CANNE!!! Can you believe that!? We visited that ville together when we came for school! I haven't heard from him, but I'm sure you talk with Lisa Park! Send her my love!!!!!

Last thing, I love you and pray for your health continually! You all give me such strength and I know I can do hard things!!!
My new address is:

Les Missionaires/Elder Petersen
85 Boulevard Barbès
11000 Carcassonne

Be sure to put "Les Missionaires" and my name. I love you and hope everything continues to go well for you! Good luck with your treatments mom, I love you so much and think about you and dad everyday! In fact there isn't a night when I don't dream about you! It's cool I'm starting to dream in French now too!!!

Until next time,

Dieu soit avec Toi jusqu'au revoir! Elder Petersen!