Elder Petersen

Elder Petersen
Toulouse, France

Friday, October 15, 2010

Dusty has arrived in France

Dear parents of Elder Petersen

Your son has finally arrived in Toulouse! We are so glad to have him
here now. We love him, and are grateful that he has accepted to serve
here. Thank you for preparing such a good young man to accomplish a
mission for our Lord and Savior. We will see that he has joy doing it.

He will be going to Bordeaux tomorrow with us for Zone Conference, and
there he will meet his colleage and head to Brive for his first area.

If there is anything we can, do not hesitate to contact us!

President Carter
France Toulouse Mission

Monday, October 11, 2010

MTC Veteran !!

So I don't have very much time! Well I'm still here haha. My leg is healing up, and I feel a lot better. The Lord is watching over me ;) I find out Monday at my 7:40 appointment with the Orthopedic if I can take off the boot or not. I'm crossing my fingers haha!
Mom and Dad, thank you for your sweet encouraging, uplifting, and edifying letters. You bring a smile to my face, and a tear in my eye. Your testimonies are amazing, and I can see the Lord molding you into his disciples!
I pray for you continually and I am grateful for your example and testimony. Your light truly does shine through your words. You are so happy@!!!! I can so :) that. You two are great parents, and I just wish I could have done more for you growing up.

I love you and will write you both more in a letter! I hope all the girls are okay! I hope You are off to a speedy recover Mindi! Oh and p.s. they are starting to put up Christmas lights here at the MTC. Have you started Dad hahahha!!!!! YOU BETTER!
Love your son, brother, uncle, and missionary,
Elder Dusty Petersen

Oct 1, 2010 excerpts

Oct 1, 2010 excerpts

Bonjour Ma Famille! Felicitations!!
Oh my gosh I am so happy that Mason is finally here!! It has almost been 10 weeks since Mindi was given the news she would be on bed rest! You must have gotten a ton of rest Mindi hahaha. No naps from now on right? The Lord has truly blessed our family, and his light has touched all of us in one way or another. He knows our name, and how to succor to his people! hahaha. I can't wait to see a picture!! I got your package by the way Mindi ;) Thank you for thinking of me :)
All is going well here at the MTC. At first it was very difficult for me to adjust after everybody leaving (60 missionaries arrived with me on July 28th, I was the only one to stay behind) It was hard for me to say goodbye to Elder Heywood after all we had been through, but the inevitable came. It always comes, doesn't it? President Robinson (Branch President) placed me with the Tahitian district as companions and room mates. They are awesome, they aren't really Tahitian just so that is straightened out haha. I actually am companions with all 3 of them(Elder Mulford, Elder Asay, and Elder Burton) and one, namely Elder Mulford was in a Institute class with me at USU. We are getting along very well. I also go to class with the group of missionaries that arrived three weeks ago... Elder Park's class :) Haha and I was sad that I wouldn't get to spend time with Elder Park at the MTC... hahaha I should trust in the Lord more ;) They have all been amazing, and there Charitiful acts have saved my life here at the MTC. I see Christ in my life everyday through their acts of service and love. Whether it is getting my meals, offering to get me a drink, or even just ask if I need anything. I feel like an imposition all the time, and that is how I have felt since I have been on these crutches. However, not once have I felt that from others. The work is great, and truly the love of God is something all of us need to gain in our lives. Serve, serve, and BE SERVED, and serve some more!!
It has been an interesting week, I wasn't sure what to do haha. I have done a lot of studying in the scriptures, and in Jesus the Christ. I finished Our Heritage, and I am going to begin Our Search for Happiness. It has been a good experience as well, because I am able to share what I have learned with these new missionaries. I didn't realize how much I actually learned till I become the teacher in french and in teaching. I do not take pride in myself, I know the Lord has prepared me in all ways, and the Glory be to him.
Thursday I had a appointment with the Orthopedic, Dr. Winegg. He took some more x rays, because after ten days, you are supposed to be able to see things better. Nothing broken still :) A lot of the swelling has gone down, and bruising is fading. However he felt around my ankle, and had me do a few tests by standing and walking. There was definitley pain hahaha. I was loudly chanting "YUP THERE IS PAIN THERE ALRIGHT!" hahaha it was funny. He is concerned I may actually have a stress fracture in my ankle, and I am no where near ready to go tracting on it. He is holding me off another 10 days. My appointment will be the 11th of October. He wanted to take a MRI, but after consulting with the clinic doctor, and considering the cost, they decided the wait would be best, and I just need to gradually put more weight on it as I use the crutches. I was dissapointed at first, head into the chest and all, but I walked out of that room and made a mental tweak. I know the Lord reveals all things in his own due time. I immediately began to think of stories I could take back to the MTC when I got back haha. I figure a postitive attitude is the best thing ;)
Later I was studying when two Elders got up to go contact. It has almost been two weeks since I have contacted/shared my testimony, so I jumped on board to go with them. They were new and not very steady with their french, but it didn't matter, I wanted to be with them as they invited the spirit. As I stood there on my crutches and it was my time to share my testimony... I was overcome with the spirit, I felt that pain and sorrow from not sharing my testimony, but also the joy and happiness that was replacing that pain and sorrow. I was able to bear witness of Jesus Christ and all he has done for us. That he knows who we are, and has felt every pain we have felt, and will feel. Not only in reference to my leg, but to my spiritual longings and my loneliness. There was such a rush in bearing that testimony, I couldn't stop! We contacted 3 more people and I helped the newbies out!! Truly the Lord knows each of our names, and who we are. That day, he called me back into his warm arms.
It was so good to hear from you Mom and Dad, and Lisa Park and Kallie wrote me too! It was extremely good to hear that Grandpa was excited about that picture I sent home. I prayed it would touch him! Well I would like to share more, but Time is almost out!
I love you all, and hope the best for you! Read JS Matthew vs. 47-55. It tells us what we need to be doing each day, and how to do it. Thanks for sharing that with me Caleb ;)
Love your Missionary,
Elder Dusty Petersen

Sept 24, 2010 Excerpts

Bonjour Ma Famille!!
Well I can't seem to stop amazing myself with my good fortune haha! It is true, I will be here at the MTC for one more week than scheduled! Due to a injury I acquired playing soccer this week, I have been delayed from departing Monday the 27th. I don't know when exactly I will depart, but what I do know is when I'm cleared the District President said I could get out of here anytime period between a few days and the same day I am give the O.K. from Doc.
I'll explain what happened haha. I was playing soccer (Shouldn't have played the week before I leave ) and I was kicking the ball across the field, when another elder was tailing and kicked for the ball as well. Well his foot collided with my leg, right above the ankle on the inside of my right leg to be exact. I have used this example a lot, but it's is like a car crash. One car is going 45, the other 45, they collide and equal 90 mph of massive damage. At first my leg was just hurting like a normal bruise would. I heard the spirit tell me to get ice. So I limped off the field and got ice on it, then I was on my merry way. As the day progressed, it got worse. It immediatley began to bruise, and swelling. It was night before I could get take care of, but the front desk took care of me. I tried to get some athletic trainers to look at it, but they were gone because of the devotional that night. I waited till morning to visit the doctors. Long story short, and several visits to doctor Sampson and a visit to an Orthopedic specialist, I have been told it isn't broken and I just need to keep it compressed, iced, elevated and rested! I'll send pics later, but the bruise is the nastiest thing I have ever seen!!! The 2nd night (Wednesday night) I couldn't sleep at all, but last night I slept like a baby. They gave me crutches and a boot. I'm happy, positive, and hopping along haha!! No pun intended ;)
The weirdest part of the whole experience is that they let me call home. I called but mom wasn't there, she was at school. So I called Dad, and he answered with his loving voice : "This is Shane" and I replied this is your son! He was like "They let you do this!?!" haha I was pretty much sobbing the whole time because I was filled with so many emotions. I haven't heard any of your voices for 2 months.... Dad told me to quit acting like a baby and ironically I cried even more.. I miss his humor, and I was filled with so much love ;) I laughed, he said "Don't make me come down there and whoop you into shape" hahaha. I love you Dad, you mean the world to me. The call only lasted 4 minutes... they told me not to be too long. Mom I'm sorry I didn't get to talk to you. It probably would have been pretty hard to understand me, I would have been bawling my eyes out hahaha. I consider myself lucky though, I get to call you again in a week ;)

I'll let you know what happens between now and then, but just DON'T WORRY! Hopefully I'm out of here by Friday, but we will see. I have had a lot of opportunity to pout, and be depressed and unfruitful, but I have not let this situation get the best of me. I decide how I feel, and I choose whom I serve this day. Jesus Christ is my leader, my Savior, and Redeemer. I have said this many times now, but He leads me and all of us by the hand when we are in our times of deepest need. Yeah I could dwell on the past and let this make me angry, but I won't. I could fear for the following week, and what "Could happen", but I won't. I live in the present where faith conquers. When we live for the present moment, and have faith, we show our trust in the Lord and show him we can walk without sight. When we live for each moment with faith, there is no way anger or fear can hold us from progressing. We move forward with the Lord's direction.
May the hand of the Lord guide you in all things, and may you follow!
Until next time! Maybe I'll be in France, maybe not!

Elder Dusty Petersen
Sept 17, 2010- excerpts

Bonjour Ma Famille!
Wow time has flown right on by here at the MTC! Only 10 more days. 1 devotional, two more Sundays, one more Temple day, and then bam, out of here! I'm glad to hear everything is going well for the most part!
I have been thinking a lot about this month.... it is full of memories. I think the day has already passed when mom was diagnosed, but i know it was this month, sometime around the 15th? I thought of 9/11, I thought of Grandma's passing, I thought of breaking my leg on Mindi's birthday.... I don't mean to ponder on all the sad things, but there have been so many blessings that have come from each of these things, and I can't help but thank the Lord.

I have been studying many Christ-Like attributes lately. I believe as I strive to understand Christ better, and who he is, I will gain those attributes as well. One of which is Charity. I had an experience in the temple where I was in the chapel waiting to enter the endowment, and I began to read in Mosiah. I feel such peace in the temple. I had barely began to read when the spirit whispered 'Charity'. Like you speaking to me, I heard it. It was new, peircing, and an experience I haven't had before. I almost ignored it, but then immediately looked up Charity in the Index and found Alma 7:24. It is a simple scripture, but it is very profound. Truly if we abound in good works, and have charity, we will never be in the power of Satan. I challenge you to pull out that Preach My Gospel in the magazine basket and study Charity in the Christ-Like Attributes section.Also study Virtue and Patience. Those are what I am working on. I also had another amazing temple experience....I immediately thought of you mother. Your experience made it that much more significant for me. The lord knows each and everyone of us, and he answers our prayers. I know that.
I was reading in 'Our Heritage' Sunday, and guess what I found!! Great Great Great Grandpa George Darling Watt is in the Church history book!!!! page 34. Take a look! You should study up on our ancestors and send me a few stories, I enjoy them :)
I have seen Elder Park many a time now that he is here. He is in my Zone obviously, and his classroom is right next door to mine ;)
Exciting news!!! I HAVE MY FLIGHT PLANS!!! I'll get them copied and send you it in the mail. It is all coming together now. Thanks for putting up my flag Mom and Dad ;) You know how much that momument means to me, and I am grateful you are taking care of it for me. Momma, I loved your poem in your letter. It made me feel a lot of peace, and i think about it often. You are such an amazing woman, and momma. Thank you for always pushing me to be better, and but also bringing me out of my many holes of self-pity. You are a testimony to me, and your light shines through your letters, and when I teach. Dad I recieved your dearelder. I really enjoy your testimony and it strengthens mine. Continue to rock my world with your testimony! I also got your package! I always love your little notes mom ;) They make me smile :D You and dad and the sis's truly are the greatest family to ever exist ;) 'I have a family here on earth, they are so good to me, I want to share my life with them through all eternity" Families can be together forever, and Dad has revamped my testimony. No matter the trials, no matter what happens, the Lord's Will be done, and his love will be eternal. Thank you for your love. Continue to send it my way. Please encourage some of my friends to write me hahaha. It would be nice ;)

Love forever and always!
Elder Petersen

Sept 10 2010- excerpts

Bonjour Ma Famille!
I can't tell you how good it is to hear from all of you during the week, I look forward to it!!! This last week has been a good one with its ups and downs, but who doesn't have those weeks :)
Temple is always great! I only have 3 more times to go, and that is counting today!!!!!! CRAZY!!
I'm super happy Mindi is still holding out, can't wait for Baby Mason! Grandpa looks wonderful too! I can't believe it has been a month since it happened! I got letters from some friends this week, it was a nice surprise!
Flu season is upon us, but luckily I have not been stricken yet. Several missionaries have been quarantined, but all is well, and we are taking extra precautions so we don't spread anything! My toe is feeling fine :) It was painless haha. I don't know what Dad was talking about. The needle felt wierd in my toe, but it didn't hurt at all. It wasn't too bad, but in a month it could have been a lot worse the doctor said, so I took care of it. Thanks for your support. He gave me some guidelines for a road to recovery, so don't worry I will be fine :) I almost died when I heard Dad's voice when the lady called him to tell him I was going to the podiastrist haha. I didn't know you called the parents haha! It kind of sucked haha! Speaking of which, I am SO GRATEFUL YOU SENT PICTURES! All of you rock! All my district freaked out over my beautiful sisters hahaha. It was good to see your faces again. I love you so much! I was thinking the other day, should I buy a tape recorder and send home messages? Would that be awesome or what!!?? Some of my district are doing it, so I thought it might be a good idea.

Love you all, keep sending wonderful letters ;)