Elder Petersen

Elder Petersen
Toulouse, France

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May 9-2011

Oh family,

I don't really know what to say... the P-day after calls is always so wierd! I feel like it was a dream because it was so fast! It was so great to see all your faces and smiles! You are all beautiful people! But of course we all know that mother is the winner in the beautiful category! Mom you look wonderful, and I'm so happy you are doing so well! I'm so greatful there is a day every year we celebrate the fact that we have mothers! I think about you all the time mom, and I pray for you every day! I wasn't exaggerating when I said that I literally pray for you and Dad EVERY Prayer. If I didn't continually remember how much your love means to me, and thank the Lord for it, I don't know how else I could continue to do this work! I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful family.

When you receive the key I sent in the package, keep it safe. It isn't just a key, but represents that my love for you sacred, and my heart is locked. You are the only person who knows how to use this key mother! One day that will change, but it is now that I trust you to keep it safe ;) You mean everything to me, and I owe my life to you!

Our family rocks! We have all been blessed immensely! Haven't we? On the beautiful scale Dad, you are ....... we'll just say off the charts! ha ha, just kidding Pappa! I was good to joke around with you again, I miss that a lot! I can't believe you made me cry!!!! I was doing pretty well too, ha ha. I appreciate that you are always still so sensative to the spirit, and you are my example. I find it a great blessing to be sensitive to the spirit, It always pushes me to do more, and become stronger against the temptations of Satan. Thank you for all your love!

It was great to see all the girls, and their hubbys, and also grandpa! I really do miss seeing his red jacket and Cowboy hat! I feel super boosted from the phone call, and I couldn't be happier to be a MISSIONARY!!!

I'll just share a few experiences really quick!

Friday, we had a interesting surprise! Elder Bowen and I were at the church for our weekly meeting with our Ward Mission Leader Fr. Vital, and I had just gone to the bathroom. When I exited the bathroom, a man was standing there with a hiking backpack and speaking english! He was Romanian and for some reason had been on a very long trek on his way to find a colony of Romanions. He just happened to stop by the church and knock on the door! He even spoke ENGLISH! He turned out to be a ex convict that had just gotten out of prison, but was converted to the baptist church while in prison. It isn't everyday that somebody just walks into the church off the street and wants to talk about Christ! We sat down and talked for a good 30 minutes. He had some interesting ideas, but as we tried to begin teaching the Restoration, he told us he has already heard about us from a television program.... Doh! We tried to teach him about a living prophet, but when he had already expressed his ideas, he was ready to get going again! Like I said, Intersting!

We also went to find a passback in a neighborhood before we made our calls yesterday. We found the home, and the family was there, but they told us they weren't interested. However, as we were walking out of the neighborhood, we found a black, christian woman named Marie. She said she would like to talk to us, and we are going to see her Tomorrow!!

I love this work, and I wouldn't be anywhere else! I know the church is true and I have been called by God to declare it! Thank you for you love and your prayers! I love you and think about you CONSTANTLY!
Alma 48:17

-Elder Dusty Petersen

May 2-2011


Well the mission is great! Unfortunetly, we haven't taught Semesi, the rugby player, again since the first time, but we have seen him a couple times in the street. We seen our friend, Abou, again and invited him and Semesi to church, but they didn't come. :( Conchita is still in the hospital. It is kind of frustrating right now, because all of our really sweet people aren't progressing... but I guess that means we just need to work harder.

Big news this week, is that I ate at the Kersey (english family) home for the last time; they will be moving back to the United States this Saturday.... Yesterday at church, they bore their testimonies and I just cried. I love this family so much! I have eaten at their house every Wednesday for practically 13 weeks! We have had so many great and meaningful experiences together, I just am finding it hard to say goodbye. I was thinking a lot of you during sacrament yesterday Mom. I couldn't help but think that Sister Kersey has been my mission mom for the last 13 weeks and I love her so much! I feel like I have been a part of their family! During fast and testimony meeting they had so many great things to say about the opportunity they had to have the missionaries over each week and the blessing it was to have our influence on their children. I never realized the impact I had on the family, but I now I realize their children were like my brothers and sisters! Then the closing him came and we sang "Families can be together forever" and I lost control of my tear maker! I have already left my family once, and I feel as though my family is now leaving me! They have been such a blessing in my life, and I encourage you to contact them later!

I love you and I haven't much more time but I will bid you farewell and talk to you next week! I can't wait!!

I love you and Pray for you every day!

April 24-2011

Well, it's a new transfer...... I'm staying in Carcassonne with Elder Bowen! TWO TRANSFERS TOGETHER YA YA YA!!!!!!!

I'm very happy with the fact that we are staying her in Carcassonne. I felt like we were going to ;) I got your package and letter too momma! I just have been on a bit of a high ha ha ha! Thank you so much for thinking of me this Easter! I love the little tri-pod! It is sweet! I love that you sent me candy!!! I shared with Elder Bowen like you told me!

This last week was just a little bit slow again, but I survived! I feel like NOBODY wants to listen to us! At the end of the week we have talked to at least 20 people who give us their information because they are interested, but this week we only had 5! It was a really difficult week. However, we did have success!

Thursday was one of these successful days! I was on exchange with Elder Smith (Elder in my District, and was at the MTC with me). We were ditched by an investigator, and so we were on our way to contact in Centre-ville. I had the impression to go visit a passback I had received from Elder Sautron. His name was Abou. I remember telling Elder Smith right before we rang the doorbell, that if he wasn't there this time, I was going to drop him. Oh little did I know! Not only was he there, but he came down and opened the door to talk to us. We presented the Book Of Mormon, and asked if we could share our message. He agreed and we followed him up to his apartment!

The lesson was great! The spirit was there, and it directed the lesson. I was intense, I straight up asked him if he believed that Jesus Christ died for his sins. He said he did. I was so overwhelmed! He accepted to read the Book of Mormon and even told us he would read it cover to cover. He told us once he starts a book, he can't put it down until he has read all of it! Isn't that great! What a miracle!

Other news, it was Stake conference over here too! It is a little sad; the stake is in Toulouse, but is maybe the same size as our ward back in good ol' Thatcher. Mince! There needs to be so much work done! Another sad note, President and Sr Carter spoke for their last Stake Conference in the Toulouse stake. Their three years are about up, and they will be handing over the reigns to President Murdock(president of the Swiss Genieva Mission) at the end of June.... I'm sad. My mission call said President Carter, and now it is going to change! I told you that the Mission is changing with the departure of President Carter, right? The Swiss mission will no longer exist and our mission boundaries will cover it. The mission home will be located in Lyon, and thus as of July 2011 I will be no longer serving in the France Toulouse Mission, but the France Lyon Mission. ISN't that crazy! I'm kind of skeptical, and excited at the same time. It is just wierd because once again my Mission call said Toulouse, not Lyon ha ha!

One more neat fact, I will have three mission presidents! President Murdock will be finishing his service the end of June 2012. It is a unique circumstance if I might say!

Well I just want to end by saying I can't believe that Ryan is engaged, and he is going to get married without me there! Ask him if he can just have a LONG engagement and wait till next July! I was so happy when I heard the news, and I am so excited for him! Give him my best wishes!

I love you all, and I am so happy that you are all happy! Keep on keeping on and remember what it says in D&C 98:13 "And whoso layeth down his life in my cause, for my name’s sake, shall find it again, even life eternal."

I love you all!!!!!!!!

Alma 48:17

-Elder Dusty Petersen

April 18 -2011

Oh my goodness!!! You have all been up to so much this week!!!!!

First of all, I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU WENT ALL OUT FOR RELAY FOR LIFE! I'm an just flabbergasted with what you put into this cause. I had big plans and expectations for Colleges Against Cancer and Relay For Life, but never did I imagine that my family would be at the center of it all!!!! That is amazing that you raised that much money with so few people! Dad you are an emailing fool! Ha ha ha! Thank you for all of your examples... This means a lot to me, especially where I'm so far away and only got a taste of it last year! I really wish I could have been there, but I know you will do again the next year, and the next, and I will have be chance! Really you still don't understand how happy I am right now. I am so proud of my family!!!!!!!!! You are my hero, thanks for being the dad that every son would hope for. I love you so much!

Relay For Life is a cause that means a lot to me, but it looks like now you will be carrying it on and I will work on another for a little while!

The work was a little slow this week, I will not lie. However, we have seen a lot of tender mercies. For example, we met two amazing people the other day. One is a man named Donny and the Other Semesi. We met Donny on the street Thursday. He was walking his dog when we stopped him and told him about the Book of Mormon and a living prophet. He was very interested. We took his information and set up a Rendez-vous for the next morning. It was AMAZING! He is golden, and that is all I can say!

After the rendez-vous we went back to our apartment really quick, and it was then that I realized I forgot something at Donny's house that was of great importance. We sped back to his house and recovered that which I left. Then we realized we forgot our clothes for sports later that evening. We felt stupid and marched back to the apartment. We got our clothes and headed in the direction of the church again, when we met Semesi. He is a fijian Rugby player for the Carcassonne Rugby team. I don't know if you know this, but rugby is BIG here!!!!!! He speaks English, not really french ha ha. He seemed like a very religous man, and was interested in our message. We set up a rendez-vous for the next day. We were a bit sad because he wasn't there at the time we fixed on Saturday, but at the end of the day Elder Bowen felt impressed to call him, and we were able to meet with him that night. It was an amazing rendez-vous too! He believes what we are telling him is true, he said that himself! We can't wait to meet with him again! The rugby team comes to his house all the time, and his family lives in Fiji!!! Can you say REFERRAL!!!! I see so many blessings coming from just this one contact!

This experience is a testimony to me that the Lord uses the weak things of the world to bring about his work and glory. We both had made several mistakes, and because of our weaknesses that we met Semesi! We may have never met him otherwise! Our Heavenly Father is the ultimate planner, and he sees everything!!! He will prepare His children to receive his word!

I have so much I want to tell you, but I just don't have the time, I'm so sorry! Mother I haven't recieved your letter or package yet, but I will keep my eyes peeled! Oh and the transfer is coming to a close this Sunday. I will get the call Friday like usual, and I will know my fate. I feel like I'm going to stay in Carcassonne, but you never know till the call! My mission dad Elder Boehme dies this transfer. His name is Kevin Boehme, and he lives in Hyde Park, Logan! Find him on Facebook and add him!!! I'll be expecting you to tell him to email me ha ha! I learned a lot from him and he was a great example to me for my first months here in France!

I love you all and can't wait to talk to you soon! Less than a month now!!!!!!
Alma 48:17

-Elder Dusty Petersen

Monday, May 16, 2011

April 11,2011

Oh family!!!

Another week come and gone.(I stole that from you!) It was a good week! The work is going well, and we are continuing to find lots of people!

Monday we went to the CASTLE!!! It was so cool! You would love it! It is so much bigger when you get up close. I would have to so that we only seen 1/8 of the castle ha ha. I took lots of photos so don't worry!

I had another exchange on Thursday and I spent the day with Elder Wilson, our Zone Leader in Montpellier! He is actually going to die in two weeks, that means in mission language, his is going to finish up his mission in two weeks. It is so nice being in a bigger city... you drive EVERYWHERE ha ha. I almost forgot what it felt like to walk after! We ate at Subway too, hmmmm I love subway!

During the exchange I actually did another exchange. Elder Wilson had to do a baptismal interview with an investigator to another companionship in Montpellier. It wasn't more than an hour and a half, but It was a good little 2nd exchange too. It was with Elder Herring. You will see that I have included a photo with Elder Herring in the back left, Elder Meservy in the Back right, Elder Wilson driving, and then of course me!

Oh and Wednesday was Frère Vital's birthday! We celebrated it with some of his amazing Vietmanise cooking. Hmmm egg rolls!! I'll include some photos!

I didn't remark this last week, but tell Louis congradulations! I'm so happy he is getting married in the temple! What a happy story :) Speaking of which, isn't Dillion's Birthday coming up? Can you tell him Happy birthday for me?

This week we have Zone Conference, I'm excited! It is Wednesday! We only have one Zone Conference in a transfer now, it is a little sad.

Few experiences and encounters while prosyliting:

A while back we met a lady that said, "I know the Mormons, I used to be married to one... GET AWAY FROM ME!" You can imagine our reaction, YIKES! It is a lot stronger in your native language. We met this Venezuelian guy the other day who speaks english. He believes in mystical powers and voodoo and what not. It was interesting. My companion actually was given a small slap to the face the other day by an old man. We have no idea what he was talking about, something about an activity for his own church, and then he gave my companion a nice grandpa smack to the cheek ha ha.

Aside from all the crazy people we meet, we meet some really great people as well! While walking home one day, we were offered a ride by a stranger into the city. STRANGER DANGER!!! We politely declined, and explained where we were going wasn't far. Afterwards my companion felt bad because the guy was really nice, and we could have shared the Gospel with him. Well, the next day we seen him in the city! He actually contacted us and told us he who he was! It was sweet! We got his information and thanked Heavenly Father for the Tender Mercy!

Frere Vital taught us a little karate too(not sure if I told you).... I was the test dummy however and he DID NOT hit lightly ha ha ha.

Oh and yes I listend to conference in English, No I haven't recieved your letter mom!

Well that is all this week! I love you and can't wait to hear from you again!
Alma 48:17

-Elder Dusty Petersen

Sunday, May 15, 2011

April 4,2011

Ma Famille!

This week has been amazing! I have never had so many experiences in one week ha ha!!!! It has been full of service and learning! Also I have seen how many tender mercies the Lord gives me as a missionary!

I wish I would have prepared this email more, because I don't have my journal and I have to pick my brain to remember things! First things first! I had an exchange with Elder Meservy this Wednesday, an Elder that was in my district at the MTC. Elder Bowen had a meeting for leaders, and Elder Meservy's companion is a district leader too, thus we were matched up ha ha! We did the exchange in my neck of the woods and it was a good day.

The rest of the exchange went really well; However, it is always good to see your companion again at the end of the day! That night we ate at the family Kersey's house too, and it is a night I look forward to all week! I have so
much fun at their house, and the food is AMAZING!!! Their family is crazy just like ours, and I feel at home, ha ha!!! The Brother Kersey always tells jokes, and Sister Kersey will hit him. It reminds me of Dad and Mom. Wednesday night is a night that saves me! Unfortunetly, we will not be eating at their house this week. Sister Kersey will be at a highschool reunion!

Then on Thursday we helped Doctor Belbahri break a bunch of wood for his barbecue grill. He says this summer he is going to grill a lot, and we are invited. ;o)

Later that night we had our comparable "Family Home Evening" activity for our investigators. It wasn't a full house, but it wasn't empty either. Actually it was Elder Bowen and I, Frère Vital, Serge, and his non-member friend. Thus it was a success! We talked about the message in the Ensign this last month, about Looking for the Good. Afterwards, we cleaned up and when Serge and his friend left, I asked Frère Vital if he would teach us some Karate moves..... bad idea ha ha. He said he would take it easy, but... YIKES! He hit me pretty hard when he showed us some moves! I wish I would have taped it ;o). Just know I can defend myself well now. hehe

Friday, was a great turn out for sports! We had our investigators Léo and David, and many members! It was an intense game!

Okay now for the more spiritual side. I have been studying my patriarchal blessing a lot lately, pondering a
bout what it says.I have found much peace and joy in reading it, and I have realized what great promises lie within the blessing. The are greater than I can even comprehend, but I know the Lord is preparing me for eternal purposes and this mission is only the beginning of my life as a disciple of Jesus Christ!

I didn't mention this last week, but I did have the opportunity to watch most of the sessions of General Conference! It works a little different here in France like you anticipated, but we do get to see the sessions. We watched the Saturday morning session, Saturday night, and then the Priesthood session Sunday morning. After that the Saturday afternoon session Sunday afternoon, then the Sunday Morning session we watched Sunday afternoon. I am listening to Sunday afternoon session right now as I right you this email :)

I was immensely edified this conference. Never has a General Conference meant so much to me in my life. This will be one I will never forget!!!!! I could go on and on about what I loved about conference, but I don't have that kind of time! I will tell you however a few things I have learned. The importance of the Family jumped out at me this conference. Every talk, I mean almost EVERY SINGLE DISCOURSE mentioned the family. The Gospel of Jesus Christ was made for the Family unit! God created his plan for FAMILIES!!! Satan wants to attack the family in any weak spot he can, because he knows what joy eternity with our families can bring for us, and he will never have that. We must defend the family. If we aren't prepared to defend the doctrine of the family in our world today, Satan will win. We will be torn by sorrow and discord. But this is not part of the masters plan at all. His plan is full of joy, peace, and love with our families for all time and eternity.

Every day, I see the tools Satan uses to tear families apart. Pornography is in the street, and billboards we walk past every day. I see kids as young as 12 years old lighting up a cigarette in a public park. Every day I ask people what the importance of the family is to them; they laugh and continue walking, passing on by. I need to be here. I must shine as a standard to the nations, I must defend the family and every thing it stands for in the sight of my God. I have realized something. Christ cannot not come until we have accomplished the work in which he commenced. We are not working against time. I see that now.
We are PREPARING for his coming, but He cannot come until the world is ready
. Oh then why not go forth in so great a cause? This is our work, we are a marked generation. The field is white and already to harvest..., it is time to put our shoulders to the plow!
l love USU too!!

I love you all and cannot wait to hear from you! p.s. I bought some sweet clothes for summer :) i sent a picture!

Dieu soit avec Vous jusqu'au revoir,

Elder Dusty Petersen